Vince Crist


  • Organisation
    The XPS Library (NFP)

  • Telephone

  • Address
    address1:The XPS Library - NFP
    address2:1091 Vineyard View Way S

  • Biography
    * Currently building two (2) websites: "The International XPS Database" ( a free on-line source of reference XPS spectra and BEs; and "The XPS Library" ( an XPS only library designed to teach XPS and assist not only graduate students, but managers, young professors, and experts. The library provides free access to >70,000 monochromatic XPS spectra, free Spectra Data Processor v 8.0, free PDF books of XPS Spectra with peak-fits and chemicals state assignments. Categories include: elements, native oxides, and binary metal oxides and >80 different material types, > 30 different industrial products, and common problems when applying XPS (charge referencing, charge control, charge compensation, RSFs, quantification, calibration...). Total number of XPS spectra: ~80,000. (Chemical State Auger spectra soon.) *Charge control and compensation are major concerns in industry. By using XPS to analyze insulators and semiconductors inside UHV, I have developed significant insights and methods to real world behavior of materials exposed to low voltage electrons (0-5 eV) and low voltage X-rays (1.5 kV). Lasers should be considered as a means of charge compensation for various industrial materials. * Experienced (35 yrs) in many aspects of materials characterization, favoring hands-on use. My passion is surface analysis, surface chemistry and surface physics. * When in technical marketing, you will find me envisioning and designing information dense charts, tables, posters and exhibition matter. Living in Tokyo for 12 years (1986-1999), I marketed major capital equipment using management capabilities that stem from an in-depth inside view of Tokyo's rich culture and highly competitive business-science world. * Invented CW Laser-XPS in 1989 while working in Japan, the only chemical analysis technique that directly measures core-valence (configuration interaction) excited states of atoms, chemical bonds and molecular species by using simultaneous CW laser and XPS excitation. This method can be extended to CW-Laser Auger, CW Laser D-SIMS, CW Laser-EDS, etc. etc. * Specialties: In Business: Technical sales, Sales turnarounds, Market development, System demos, Product presentations, Marketing strategies, Market analysis, Competitor analysis, Yield loss reduction, Root cause